Lets get Grounded

As a high-achieving woman, when your thoughts take over, it can be a challenge to feel grounded.

When the top chakra (crown) is off balance, it can easily knock off the lower chakra (root). Causing you to not only feel confused and overwhelmed in your thoughts, but also unsafe and moving in fear.

If you've been following my stories, then you already know how much movement is my medicine, especially for an active mind.

I fell in love with yoga in high school and two years ago I became certified as a yoga teacher. Yoga has been my savor many times to help me clear my mind and ground myself.

I often do yoga multiple times out of the day.

AM: To clear my mind and get my body moving before starting my day, which is mostly seated.

Mid-day: To remove any stagnant energy from sitting or energy that could have been transferred during client work.

PM: To clear my mind of all the events from the day so I can have a peaceful sleep.

When do you typically engage in yoga or when do you think it would be most useful for you?


A Reminder!


Im Your Cheerleader!