Get Grounded

I’m relearning to connect with the things that ground me when feeling anxious.

Did you know that suffering from anxiety can heighten or amplify the way your body responds to chronic pain?

Anxiety is known to be a part of the autonomic nervous system. Causing our nervous system to be placed in a heightened state of alarm.

Anxiety is quite possibly the most common condition that accompanies chronic pain. The function of pain is to signal danger that something is wrong in the body and requires attention.

Feelings of alarm, apprehension, and distress increases reactivity of the body, such as increased muscle tension, increased heart rate, and blood pressure.

There are many ways to manage handling anxiety and chronic pain, but for me.. movement, Reiki, water, sun, and gratitude for nature is the medicine I choose.

How are you managing your anxiety?


Learning, Growing, Exploring


Setting the Vibe