Looks aren’t everything!

When you think about a healer, a mom, a CEO. Do you Is it really about the look that defines their role?

🌻What does a healer look like to you?
🌻What does a CEO and business owner look like to you?
🌻What does a mother look like to you?
🌻What does a leader look like to you?

We can often deny ourselves the gift of showing up authentically due to being overly concerned and worried about if we look the part and how we will be viewed.

Constantly denying what we feel inside. The truth is within us our true self is melting through our pores and we quickly shut it down due to fear...

🥀That is not what a healer looks like
🥀That is not what a CEO looks like
🥀That is not what a mother looks like
🥀That is not what a leader looks like

Meanwhile, our spirit feels slighted, and our energy is depleted from performing, we are reduced and we demote ourselves out of fear of being judged. Fear of being stereotyped and fear of others’ perspectives.

What do you think you would look like if you cared less about the outside judgment and the external pressure of what you are ‘think’ you’re supposed to look like, talk like, and act like?

What would it look like if you wholeheartedly embraced your authentic self?

It is important to always remember we need to stay true to ourselves and to ensure we are not falling prey to the pressures of external influences. Be true to yourself and live authentically!


Summer Solstice ☀️


The Space I hold for you!