Passion or Hussle?

⚡️ The energy hits different when you’re moving from a place of passion vs hustle.

⚡️ The energy is different when you’re moving in alignment vs grinding.

Now don’t get me wrong, they both take work, but the foundation of the energy is experienced differently when you’re on purpose vs operating from a place of scarcity or forcefulness.

I humbled myself and closed my online store last year because it no longer felt in alignment. I knew God called me to open a store but the way I was feeling while operating it felt disconnected.

So I closed the store down and continued to trust the vision I was originally given. After months of seeking internal guidance, I finally received my next level.

The time has come for me to unveil a very special project I’ve been working on that will be the leading item in the new Afro Qi Shop.

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