Reiki Masters

To be a Reiki Master Teacher 🙏🏽

Part of my purpose in this lifetime is to teach and guide, I don’t take that for granted. 🙏🏽

I can’t yet put today in words but I’ll say, hosting my first in-person Reiki class in 2.5 years was blissful.

To be able to connect in person with these women that I’ve seen over the Zoom screen for two years felt so good! Holding their hand, hugging them, and seeing their smiles made me feel “on purpose”.

It’s been a blessing to virtually support them through their Reiki journey and to usher them to the finish line as a Reiki Master in person.

The journey doesn’t stop here, tomorrow they will be back to learn how you become a Reiki Master Teacher.

My journey doesn’t stop either. While I love virtual land, today put a spark under me to hold more in-person healing, teaching, and transformational spaces.

I can’t wait to see where spirit guides me and these new Reiki Masters next. 🤎




Moving into Stillness