Repurposing your Energy

I got to ask, how much of your energy do you spend finding faults in others?

What would happen if you took that same energy and applied it to your own self-improvement?

Here's the truth, I know it's so much easier to look out than in. 9/10 time we see where what you mark as a fault in others is part of their personal truths. I highly recommend, instead of judging, take a quick look in the mirror at yourself to see ways you can be more of who YOU are and express your truth.

There are many ways one can repurpose their energy to become a better version on them-self, connect with their energies and be more aligned with their divine purpose.

We can be more grateful. The more you express gratitude, you’ll find that you receive more spiritual energy. We often take a lot of things for granted and this will deplete our energy forces as well as using our energy to compare what we have or don’t. have to others will lead to a decrease. Taking the time to be more grateful will ensure you are restored and restocked on the right energies to push you forward.

You can also connect to your spiritual energy when your mind is calm and decluttered. Which is the exact objective of meditation, it takes us away from our hectic surroundings in the here and now. And allows us to focus on our inner self instead. Meditation can be a good starting point for self-reflection or prayer. Which is an ideal way to fuel and recharge our spiritual energies.


Being true to YOU


Do you know you Authentically?