It’s Our Time to Remember.

This past week I held a retreat for women/mothers to step away from their busy day to day lives and reconnect back to themselves.

In Tulum Mexico, we had the opportunity to sit with many locals and descendents of the ancient Mayan people. We learned about their rich culture and engaged in their rituals.

It was magical!

One retreat guest shared feeling that we as black people, particularly African Americans, don’t have any culture, especially as those of other cultures like the Mayans.

My heart immediately dropped to my stomach, because I know the truth. I know what we’ve been stripped of and what’s been stolen from us, our ancestors.

And most of all, I know that was the goal of slavery, for us to be left feeling like we are nothing and have nothing.

My heart drop because I know how much Ifa has saved my life. And how much Ifa has helped me to remember my power, my beauty, and where I come from.

My heart dropped because I know what gift I now have to share Ifa with my children and they get to share with their children.

My heart dropped because I know how much rich culture and practices I do in private and do not share with many due to feeling I will be demonize or judged.

My heart dropped as I thought about how my “secret” practice of Ifa continues to rob my people of what belongs to them.

While I’m still in deep thought about this, I wonder to myself how I can protect the beautiful practice of Ifa, while also being the lighthouse to guide my people back home to themselves, so they to can remember their power, their culture, and pass down this wisdom and strength to their lineage.

African Americans, we are AFRICAN first and filled with so much richness. Before being forced into this county, stripped of our practices, and forced into other belief’s, we were rich with wisdom…and still are.

We do have culture.

We do have rituals.

We do have indigenous practices.

It’s our time to remember. ✊🏾


Discovering Your Purpose

