Wellness for 2023

When I think about it all, I truly blow my own mind reflecting on my accomplishments and accolades. The various tools I’ve added to my toolbox over the years truly speak to my mission and vision on a soul level.

I was given the amazing opportunity to share my experience at the 2022 Creativity in Counseling Conference. It was such a joy, to lead these mental health professionals through a mindful Chakra connection. 

A main focus of mine was always to ensure I could bridge the gap between mental health and energy healing. That has always been the guiding force for ALL the various modalities I’ve picked up along the way.

Honestly, we are such powerful beings and often we don’t realize just how much we are co-creating our realities. That's why I always tell people, whether you acknowledge it or not, energy is always around and within us. One of the most powerful things about acknowledging your energy is that you get to make a choice to shift it.

I've made it my goal for 2023 to share more of my work with 1:1 private clients and businesses that are looking to engage in energy healing and mental wellness for their staff. I’ll be guiding more groups, businesses, and individuals on how to mindfully connect to their Chakras for intentional energy connection and deep shifting in 2023.

Are you interested in connecting?

Visit the link below to view my speaker sheet to explore my expertise, and book me for your 2023 staff wellness day, mastermind group, healing retreat, or 1:1 support.


Lunar New Year


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