3 Ways To Manifest Like A Boss

Are you ready to start attracting some dope experiences & things into your life? For starters, you have to get clear on what it is that you want. Every full moon you're switching up your goals and intentions which is confusing the hell out of the universe.

STOP IT ✋🏽 Get clear on exactly what you want. And trust me, your desires should scare you, if not sis they too small.

Next, you have to put the work in. And by work, I mean ask for what you want. Ever heard, " you have not because you ask not"? Well, it's true! Ask the universe for what it is that you want and be open to new opportunities that present themselves to you.

You will be surprised what people and/or situations cross your path that is directly related to getting you in alignment with your desires.

Finally, you have to trust the process and trust that you WILL get exactly what it is you’re asking for. This is why step one, clarity, is so important.

You often wonder why you keep running into a brick wall and it's because deep down inside you don't trust you will receive it or even feel worthy of what it is you're asking for.

Keep your vibration high and be open to receive!


Energy Is Transferable