Energy Is Transferable

Riding camels, tongue kissing birds, drinking baby-making tequila, building life-long relationships, networking with other boss CEOs, and establishing my framework to becoming a multi-millionaire.

Today is the last day for me at The CEO Collective Retreat and my spirit is full! đŸ¥°

It’s nothing like being in a space with like-minded entrepreneurs who stretch you to think outside of yourself, look your impostor syndrome right in the face, and show you just how EASY it is to get to exactly where you want to be, not only in your business…but in LIFE!

What I already knew, but was solidified on this trip, was that you have to surround yourself with people who you want to become. For example, want to be a multi-millionaire…get around some multi-millionaires!

Proximity is POWER!

Energy is transferable, and knowing that fact should encourage you to get into the proximity of those whose energy vibrates at a frequency of limitless possibilities. Do you feel that your prayers are failing you OR the universe has given up on you? Take a look at your environment.

Are you in circles that are inspiring? Do you connect with people that are in a position that you desire to be in? Do you leverage the positive relationships that are already in your reach?

You are the company you keep, believe that! #facts

Get clear on what you want out of YOUR life and who you need to connect with to get you there. Coming from an introvert, NETWORKING is key.


Manifesting New Beginnings


3 Ways To Manifest Like A Boss