8 Week Alignment Testimonial

This is what doing the work looks like! πŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒπŸ½

Before enrolling in Business Alignment Guidance, Candace was seeking clarity as it related to her direction and purpose within her business, personal branding, and how it all linked and connected with her personal life purpose.

At the completion of her 8-week journey, Candace said "I no longer feel stuck! I finally have the clarity I need. Understanding my Human Design along with methods to help me at my best has allowed me to show myself grace as I move forward."

Once Candace received her tools and gained her needed clarity, she simply followed the guided framework and began connecting with the ideas and goals set for her business to strive. She already had ideas for her services and offerings, she just needed to better understand her specific process, so she could connect deeper with her clientele, and create clarity around her offerings. Most of all, she wanted to be authentic and true to herself!

Candace applied the principles taught inside Alignment Guidance to clearly communicate her offerings and stand out as an expert in her field. What I love most about working with Candace, is that she is not afraid to do the work. The INNER work that many business owners neglect.

Now, this is only her transformation after working 1:1 in Q1 of the year. She is ready once again and has booked another 8-weeks to work for another quarter to go even deeper into her purpose. Q2 is about to end with so much growth and success, I can’t wait to share the continuation of her story.


Our Bond ❀️


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