Our Bond ❤️

She heals me, I heal her. ❤️

One of the best rewards of bonding with my daughter is how she naturally connects to her internal gifts. Bonding with her authentically over her five years has shown me that she is my mirror.

🌼 She reflects and shows me the parts of myself I try to hide and avoid.
🌼 She shows me that while she is part of me, she is her own soul here to experience life.

While I have made silent goals for her, she has made it clear that she has another mission, and I respect that. It is important to respect your child's choices once they are within reason. This fosters self-reliance and allows your child to feel they have a say in their own life.

It gives your child a sense of importance and belonging which is essential for building a bond with you as their parent and for all other relationships.

This bond we’ve formed has been intentional. I see her. She sees me. We see each other Authentically!

I implore you to take the time for you and your daughter/child to connect! In my upcoming Mommy & Me authentic bonding retreat I created a safe environment led by my healers, psychotherapist, and intuitive guides that will usher you and your baby girl into some fun, transformational, and authentic bonding.

Leave this retreat feeling closer than ever before, you’ll be able to understand each other not only on a surface level but on a spiritually intertwined tier were moving forward you won’t need words to understand each other’s needs and what they’re thinking!


The Space I hold for you!


8 Week Alignment Testimonial