
Just when I thought I would be spending the last month of the year fully resting, God had another plan.

December is typically the month where I intentionally schedule to do nothing, but this year looks different than I planned.

In the midst of being blessed with so much unexpected news and invitations this month, I felt myself crumbling inside.

I felt the weight of carrying so many GOOD opportunities and fear that I was not capable of carrying EVERYTHING through successfully.

As a high achieving woman and healer, I too still get in my head sometimes regarding my capacity, capabilities, and worthiness.

The journey for me continues as well, but I have tools and support (I too have a healer on retainer) as well as a strong support system that keeps me in check on holding my vibration when I am faced with next level advancements.

It’s work! But my team won’t allow me to get in my own way. Even when I try, I can’t even get in my way… Because the blessings I’m experiencing actually have nothing to do with me! It’s truly bigger than me and is intended to bless the greater good.

I’m reminded that when I shy away from sharing my gifts with the world, I’m doing a disservice to my purpose.

I know this month was meant to shake me up (in a good way) to give me a sneak peek of what 2023 is going to birth in my life so that I can ultimately be a BIGGER blessing to others through my gifts and service. 🙏🏽


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