Finding Motivation During Seasonal Changes

Finding the motivation to do things can be difficult, especially when dealing with seasonal depression or seasonal changes that affect your mood.

My clients often tell me that their symptoms start as early as October and carry on well into the new year.

And to be honest, it's an energetic shift that many high-achieving women struggle with.

It’s something that I, too, had been challenged with for YEARS! And was one of the reasons I relocated to Florida last year. To spend more time in the sun, nature, and the ocean all year long.

I had to give up my comfort zone, to follow what my higher self was calling me towards.

It was also at that time (a little before actually) that I got back into my own 1:1 therapy and have not stopped since!

I want you to know that it's never too late to reach out for support during your down season. Use this time to practice being vulnerable, letting down your strong women cape, and requesting support when you truly need it.




Address the Wound