Trust Your Intuition

Trusting your intuition will NEVER lead you astray.

Contrary to popular belief, your mind is not a reliable source when making decisions. Often your mind will talk you right out of what's correct for you.

My messaging lately has been about how to make aligned decisions when manifesting. My work with my clients lately has been about teaching them how to make aligned decisions when manifesting. My personal life lately has been about practicing making aligned decisions as I manifest the next phase in my life. As I think about it, we are always in a state of making a decision. The decisions we make are sometimes life-changing and will bring us to a place of peace or confusion.

When out of alignment and disconnected from our higher self, we often relinquish our power of decision making onto others. Allowing fear of the unknown reality behind that decision to cause us to disconnect from ourselves to find answers from other sources verse rely on the only source that has the answers...that source is you.

The questions then become...

Do you trust yourself enough to make the right decisions?

What fears or past traumas stand in the way of you making aligned decisions in your life?

As mental health therapist, I have studied mindfulness and countless neurolinguistics methodologies. This is all fancy wording for ya girl has spent time studying the mind, okay! 🧠🤓

As a reiki master, sound healer, and yoga teacher, I have learned countless ways in which energy influences our lives.

Over a decade of time spent nose deep studying and helping clients (including myself) journey through life on a path of self-discovery, and still, I felt something was missing.

Learning, studying, and applying Human Design was the missing piece.

Your unique Human Design tells you EXACTLY how to make aligned decisions in your life so that you can get closer & closer to your life's desires AND draw in your manifestations.

If you're indecisive, chances are you are not connected to your intuition which makes manifesting a tad bit harder for you.

Connect with me and download your free human design chart so you can begin to study and apply your unique way of manifesting.


The Big Leap


Tap Into Your Human Design