The Big Leap

Entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey. As my business grows, transitions and shifts so does my connection to spirit and my higher self.

This weekend I finished the book, "The Big Leap" by and I can't stop writing! My insides are pouring out with passion into my journal as I process my own upper-limit problems.

Spirit knew I needed this book at this time in my life. Especially as I process feelings of guilt for my success and my savior complex that wants to bring everyone along with me on my success journey.

As I manifest my desires I feel guilty that it means that some will not be able to come along with me and will have to watch from the sideline. I feel guilty that I cant save some from what I feel my genius can help them solve. I feel guilty that I have the means that they have not yet obtained. And most of all, I have fear of being alone.

As I ascend, my guilt increases.

As I allowed myself to feel my feels after reading this book, I begin to dive into some deep study of my Human Design conscious sun in gate 27. I acknowledged my natural gift to care for others and my desire to help them to enhance their quality of life. What I focused most on is processing the shadow, which is my tendency to sacrifice and deplete my energy for the sake of helping others.

Here's the thing with Human Design and entrepreneurship, it helps you to see where you are limiting yourself, sabotaging your business growth, and where conditioning has taken a driver's seat in your mindset, actions, and decisions.

Do you feel you could benefit from learning how aspects of your Human Design can be used to elevate and refine how you show up in your business?

If the answer is yes, I invite you to consider taking 8 weeks to work 1:1 to customize your business approach based on your energy and design.


A Time of Reflection


Trust Your Intuition