Clarity and Awakening

2023 is destined for Clarity and Awakening.

The Lunar New Year of 2023 will have you engaging in a sense of spiritual renewal and restoration as you prepare your spirit for the new things to come in the new year.

But how do you prepare and ensure you are fully equipped?

Now is the time to ignite your lunar authority and dive into your Human Design.

Before discovering Human Design, I thought I suffered from adrenal fatigue. No matter how much rest I got at night, I was always exhausted by noon.

I drank multiple cups of coffee daily until I eventually developed a caffeine sensitivity. I felt less and less like myself as time progressed.

Trying to “keep up” and “push through” when my energy was calling me to rest but self-judgment and toxic productivity wouldn’t allow it.

When I discovered Human Design and learned more about my connection to divine energy, I began to unlock my true self. The parts of me that were always trying to come through, but I was shutting down.

If you're ready to explore your Human Design, the first step is to try to get to know your design at your own pace.

That is why I created the self-paced DIY Human Design Workshop.

Click the button below access to my Human Design Workshop so you can take the initial steps in decoding your design.

With the Lunar New Year, it is the perfect time to begin learning how to accept and unlock your most authentic self.


Check-ins matter!


Season 5 of the Afro Qi Podcast!