Season 5 of the Afro Qi Podcast!

Season 5 of the Afro Qi Podcast is here! 

The Afro Qi Podcast is for black women who want to heal and balance their energy in practical & holistic ways. We'll talk about the most impactful aspects of this topic including energy alignment, embracing your uniqueness, & maintaining a healthy life balance. If you're ready to become unstuck, and find freedom and peace energetically, check out Episode 1!

Episode one features Starre Cannon and in this episode, we chat about the importance of holistic wellness in your wellness journey.

Starre (star.rae) Cannon is a licensed professional counselor, wellness coach,  and educator in the mental health and wellness industry with over 11 years of experience. Through her company, Holistic Love,  she specializes in collaborating with her clients to develop self-love, find a healthy work-life balance, manage stress,  and decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

You won't want to miss this episode with some serious gem-dropping and life-changing insights!

Click the link below to check out the Afro Qi Podcast and tune in to Season 5 


Clarity and Awakening


Lunar New Year