Discover your desire

The key to true happiness is to discover what you love and master it.

I've always been driven to help others improve their mental functioning, so it was an easy and natural decision for me to take the path to become a licensed psychotherapist and doctoral student of mental health counseling education.

I've always been connected to guide people in healing beyond the surface, so it was only right for me to tap into my gifts as a healer through Reiki, yoga, sound, meditation, and intuitive guidance.

Being deeply intuned with God from a VERY young age, it was easy for me to explore the roots of my ancestral spirituality and share my knowledge and awareness with anyone willing to listen and learn.

This work is what I love, I discovered that long ago, this is my purpose. Throughout the years I have gathered so many modalities and made many investments to lead towards mastery.

This morning, as I sat refreshing my skills, the energy of gratitude, came over me. Grateful for all those I have learned from and grateful to all whom I've been able to teach and share my wisdom.

This path has shown me that we truly have everything in us that we need to be, go, and do, whatever we desire. We just need to take the right steps to discover our desire to become our most authentic selves.


Do you know you Authentically?


Importance of a Morning Routine