Importance of a Morning Routine

Mornings are difficult for many of us, but there are many ways we can handle them effectively. Which can be crucial to getting our days started right. A good morning routine can create a sense of stability in your life.

Once you prepare yourself for the rest of the day, how you spend your mornings will influence the rest of your day. If you start feeling rushed or lazy, expect that sensation to remain with you. A morning routine, however, gets you on track from the moment you wake up and puts you in the right frame of mind.

This is my morning routine, no matter the day, no matter the place. I start each day by completing these small five sentences;

Today I am grateful for the sun
Today I release feelings of inadequacy
Today I intend to find rest within my day
Today I pray for peace to take over me
Today I seek a deeper connection with my higher self

Afterwhich, I begin to set the tone for my day upon rising, I pour into my spirit before offering my energy outward.

I have been completing these five sentences daily for the past two years. I have a bookshelf full of journals identical to these sentences. But each day, I find a new thing to be grateful for, to release, to intend, to pray, and to seek.

This has been one of my keys to manifesting. What we sometimes miss is, manifesting is less about manifesting MONEY or material things. There has to be a level of gratitude, release, and alignment that has to take place.

These are a few fundamentals when starting your morning to begin your day on the right track and to open your day to blessings and your deserved riches.


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