Do you honor you?

In order for people to stop playing with you, you have to first stop playing with yourself.

  • Before anyone can honor you, you have to honor yourself.

  • Before anyone can respect you, you have to respect yourself.

  • Before anyone can love you, you have to love yourself.

You are a mirror, your exterior world is a reflection of your truth within. It’s not anyone else’s job to do for you, what you aren’t to do for yourself.

It goes much deeper than the saying “You get back what you put out.” The universe is like a boomerang. You throw it out and it comes back.

If you put a negative out, you will get a negative back. Also, when you put a positive out you will get a positive back, maybe not straight away, but it will come. Once you begin to lose respect for yourself and lack honor for yourself, you limit the time and care you put into yourself and your development.

This is the energy you begin to fill the universe with, how can you expect this from others when you aren’t able to provide this for yourself.

It is important to always remember that this Law of Attraction outlines, whether we are consciously aware of it or not, every second we exist we are acting as magnets, constantly sending out our thoughts and emotions into the universe and being met with those exact same things back.

To have a fulfilled journey on this earth, it is crucial to be mindful of the way we speak, act and care for ourselves as this is what we will gain in return. From the way we interact with others and the expectations we have set for them to interact with us.

So if you feel like your situations are not aligning with your expectations, stop and analyze that what you put out may be the reason.


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Intuition and Human Design