Intuition and Human Design

D you know what is intuition and how your Human Design can teach you more about it?

Before we start, let’s pull out the dictionary to define intuition, shall we? 🤓

Webster defines intuition as “The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.”

Now, how many times have you tried to rationalize everything? Then, in turn, you end up paralyzed in your decision-making OR you ended up handing over your decision-making power to someone else to release yourself from the pressure?

That was me before I started to integrate my Human Design. Connecting to your intuition is the first concept I discovered when I started to study my design and it’s the first concept I teach those who book Human Design readings with me.


Because this allows you to identify how you uniquely connect to your intuition. Besides the cliché, “Follow your gut”.

Once you’re aware of it, begin to experiment, and develop a relationship with your Human Design you’ll be able to hear from your inner guide on a deeper level.

- No more feeling like you don’t know what to do.
- No more feeling anxious when presented with a decision.
- No more feeling stuck in a situation that isn’t enjoyable.
- No more giving your power away to others.
- No more feeling that you can’t make up your mind.

All of the answers you’re seeking externally are waiting to connect with you internally. Are you ready to form a deep relationship with your intuition?


Do you honor you?


Importance of Resting.