Let Me Introduce Myself

Before the new year hits & I start acting brand new, let me introduce you to who I am, today. 😜

For starters, I am a teacher, lover, and healer. I am highly intuitive to the point it scares me at times but I've learned to embrace it. I have been journeying through my path of authenticity for many years and along the way, I picked up skills & abilities to manifest the life I was called to live.

I am a psychotherapist and owner of @coreempowermentllc, a Reiki Master, Certified Sound Healer, Yoga Instructor, & Human Design Reader. Next week I will be starting my final class in my Ph.D. program to become a Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education & Supervision.

I am a true nerd & lover of learning about anything related to psychology & energy. I am a 6/2 Splenic Projector & often struggle with showing up or taking a nap. I have developed a love & relationship with African spiritualism and I have never felt more like my true self before this.

I am a mother to the most outgoing daughter and wife to the most compassionate & courageous husband. Not a day goes by that I don't intentionally move my body & drink a gallon of water. Catch my gym vibes in my stories.

While I don't offer direct therapy at the moment, I do coach people through discovering their authentic selves so they can manifest their desires with ease. My truth is that we are all unique in our God-given design & need to find what works for us in life & in business on an individual level. I believe that the power already lives within us & that it is our responsibility to create the life & reality we dream of.

This journey to authenticity has been a RIDE, & the manifestations that have come through have been powerful. I look forward to growing & connecting with you in this new year! 🤗


Manifestation Workshop Testimonial


I have empathy for you…