I have empathy for you…

I have empathy for you as I watch you distrust your intuition. I have empathy for you because, to be honest, I see myself in you. 🖤

I’m reminded of the space I was in when I knew what was best for me but I allowed my mind to talk me out of it due to fear.

I’m reminded of trying so hard to manifest and once that thing I was trying to draw in reached me, I allowed my unworthiness of self to push it away.

I’m reminded of all the times I’ve invested my time and energy in things that really didn’t benefit me in avoidance of investing in my personal growth and development.

I’m reminded of the times I looked to others to validate a decision I wanted to make for myself because I didn’t feel valuable internally to make a decision on my own.

I have empathy for you because I’ve been there, right where you are in this moment. Not trusting my intuition because I didn’t trust myself. Not trusting my intuition because I didn’t have a relationship with it. And not trusting my intuition because I wasn’t clear on who I was authentically.

Discovering your true design, your purpose, your strengths, and your authentic nature is your gateway to freedom. It’s your gateway to success. It’s your gateway to YOUR life.


Let Me Introduce Myself


A Time of Reflection