High Achieving Women

There is no rush, the magic is in the journey.

I support high-achieving women because I am one myself. I know your constant pressure to press, push, and achieve.

And I am the last one to tell you to STOP but the first one to encourage you to invite in pause, reflection, and reevaluation.

As you evolve, you need to pause at each stage to recalibrate, to refocus, and most of all to appreciate yourself and the journey.

You often neglect the pause for fear that slowing down will cause you to take a step back. But in actuality, you need to slow down to speed up.

At times, you are going so fast that you lose track of your direction, causing you to run in circles with no real path in sight.

There is healing in the pause.

If you’re a high-achieving woman looking to connect deeper to your purpose and slow down enough to heal and reflect on your journey, I’d love to support you in 2023.

By combining my expertise as an energy healer, licensed mental health clinician, certified sound healer, certified yoga instructor, and certified human design reader,we will leave no stone unturned.


I went to Peru!


Afro Qi - Affirmation Deck