I went to Peru!

I went to Peru, Let me tell you! Wow, this has been an amazing 10-day adventure and exactly what I needed to complete this year. It's truly hard for me to put into a complete sentence my takeaways from this retreat, but I do have a word, "Insightful". 

I see myself as an avid traveler, but Peru was the furthest place I have traveled, and I went alone. Yup, I left my husband and child behind to set on a quest to join other women of color seeking the same depths of self. This retreat and time to connect with me offered me the next-level insights my soul had been craving after my initiation into Ifa in September. 

While in Peru, I was offered the opportunity to invite plant medicine into my healing journey, which was an experience I never knew I needed until I had it. The vast amount of insight and downloads received were truly out of this world. I have to admit, I was nervous at first, but I am so happy I released the shadow of fear and allowed this beautiful medicine to truly guide me. 

From the mounting hikes, strolls through the sacred valleys, yoga, fresh foods, beautiful views of the land, solitude, and good company, each and every day, I was able to gain insight into deeper levels of my being. 

My level of insight into myself, this world, and my purpose as I returned home yesterday brought me into full gratitude! While I am extremely happy to be back home, Peru will always have a piece of me there waiting for my return. 


To be Thankful


High Achieving Women