Honoring our Feminine Energy!

Have you ever sat back and thought about how essential you are? Sat back and reflect on your divine energy. It is time to embrace your feminine energy! Feminine energy is the energy of life within you. It is an energy of the ever-changing flow. It responds to emotion in relationships and seeks to feel and experience love.

Your feminine energy is similar to the energy of the ocean. The ocean is sometimes calm, sometimes wild. It is sometimes colder, sometimes warmer. The ocean is sometimes unforgiving and life-threatening, yet sometimes serene and peaceful.

As a woman with a feminine essence, feminine energy is ideally free to flow all throughout your body. As we honor this energy, we take the time to highlight all the amazing and strong women who have embraced their energy throughout the Month of March, Women's History Month.

Women’s History Month is a dedicated month to reflecting on the often-overlooked contributions of women. From Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women’s history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States. It goes back to the depths of our roots, back to our African ancestors, whose powerful blood flows through us. 

These women stayed true to their beliefs and the strength they had within their core to fight for the importance and freedom we are able to embrace today. Now is the time to embark on your journey of finding your Femminie core and using the tools and guides around you to unlock your full divinity. So this month, and every month, begin to embrace ways you can honor yourself as a woman. 

​​​​​​​I wish you all a peaceful and love-filled Women's History Month. 


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