My Very First Reiki and Meditation Client

Today, I want to give thanks to my very first Reiki and Meditation client.

My baby girl. ❤️

When I first started my Reiki training I was still nursing her, while she was teething. 😩

I can still remember those sleepless nights and irritable cries like it was yesterday.

Nervous but eager, I began to practice Reiki on her nightly as part of her bedtime routine. Though she wasn’t able to give me a formal testimonial, her peaceful sleep, and decrease in gum swelling were all I needed to know to be assured she was feeling much better.

The best gift I’ve been able to give my child is the gift of healing. As a mom, there is no greater joy I have than to be able to lay my hands intentionally on my child to initiate energetic balance.

Over the years, she has become not only my meditation client, but also my meditation student.

Teaching her the power of her breath and inner stillness is a tool that she will carry through life.

This girl doesn't play about her meditation! Often advising me to go meditate when she noticies my energy is out of alignment.


Learning my Human Design Changed My Life

