The Benefits of Knowing your Human Design

Do you want to know why I stopped doing group coaching?

Simple, because I hated it! It was draining the life out of me. 😭 As an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person), I would leave my group coaching calls exhausted & energetically paralyzed. My husband would have to pick me up off the couch because my body was depleted.

To be honest, I never wanted to do group coaching but all of my coaches & mentors encouraged me to because they felt (for them) it was the best way to maximize my offerings. But it never felt authentic to me.

I desire intimacy, & I have a deep passion for my clients to obtain results. My human design tells me that I have a tendency to be connected to the outcomes of others & because of my open energy centers, I am susceptible to taking in the energy of others and getting distracted.

This makes so much sense as to why I personally never strived in group coaching myself. I would hate the feeling of wanting to work with a coach just to discover the only option was in a group format.

I don't know about you, but when it comes to my personal coaching, I prefer 1:1 and when it comes to me providing coaching, I prefer 1:1. Even when I did offer group coaching, I was sure to offer a 1:1 component for those who felt they needed personal time.

I love the ability to customize my approach to help my clients reach their goals in a safe space. If you are ready to take that copy and paste format that your old coach gave you, and see how you can apply it to yourself personally based on your unique design I want to help you!

I am not at all saying what they taught you was "wrong", but what I am saying is what they taught you is 9/10 based on their design, which may not apply to you. I can show you just how to take what you already know and tweak it to fit you. So before you go buying another course, let's chat. 🤗


This Work I Do Is Sacred


Money is Energy