This Work I Do Is Sacred

This work I do is sacred. I don't take it lightly. I am forever grateful & humbled by those who invite me into their world to guide them on their journey.

I despise "one size fits all" coaching. I believe that each person requires a tailored approach based on their unique human design to achieve aligned results.

Each week, I have my clients complete a weekly check-in form to keep a record of wins &/or setbacks they had over the week. And like the old soul that I am, I print them out and take hand notes on where they can use further guidance to achieve their goals.

I am constantly diving deeper each week into their human design and pulling out areas that they have been conditioned out of who they truly are that have been causing them to experience struggle vs ease and flow.

Yesterday I met with a client and at the end of our call she says, "Going through this process with you has given me permission to be who I always knew that I was".


That had me thinking, how many of us have been denying who we are? How many of us feel disconnected from our true selves? How many of us have been shut down, rejected, and resisted based on being ourselves, therefore have adopted habits and behaviors that are not our true nature?

The space I hold for people on their healing journey and those who are struggling in their business is so empowering. I lose count of how many times a client has told me, "Thank you for giving me permission".

I offer them the space to go within. To seek answers and direction from their higher self. To break free from conditioned behaviors and mindsets. And to trust that they have the answers they are seeking.

Because the space I hold is so sacred to me, I only hold space for 4 clients a quarter over an 8 week period. Q4 2021 coaching is closing soon.


Never Do It Scared


The Benefits of Knowing your Human Design