My Authentic Self

Let me tell you something. You are going to get, what you are meant to get! 

While in the process of prepping a shot list for my upcoming brand shoot, I stumbled across images from my first brand shoot when I started my therapy practice in 2018.

I wanted to share with you my experience from back then. I was so stuck in my head about my look as a new business owner. Wondering if people would book therapy appointments with me because I had dreadlocks and a city accident that years of education couldn’t cover-up.

So I tried my best to pose as poised as I could to cover up who I truly was inside, with hopes of being accepted by my new clients and taken seriously as a Psychotherapist & Energy Healer.

Then one day, a client of mine shared she found me on a therapy directory, and it was my dreadlocks that made her book with me. She too had locs and felt society didn’t take her seriously as a growing black female professional in medical school.

Fast forward four years later, and my once solo practice is now a thriving group practice with a waiting list that never ends, and my private speaking, coaching, and healing business is healthy and steadily growing.

I do a new branding shoot every year, but in my last one, I made sure to show even more of my true self. Just looking at my growth from four years ago makes me super proud. The more I show my most authentic self, the more people I was sent here to serve are drawn to me.

I remember my husband asking me at this last shoot if I was going to do at least one picture in a suit. I replied to him, "Bruh, when do I ever wear a suit?". I’m grateful for that insight & inner trust to be who I truly am.

The moral of the story, be YOU, there is somebody watching and waiting to connect with your authenticity. My guided 8-week 1:1 course is a transformational journey that will fully engage your mind, body, and spirit breaking through your limiting beliefs, heal traumas and solidify your destiny and purpose, step-by-step.

Get ready to live as the most authentic version of yourself!


Entrepreneurship may not be YOUR answer…


Finding my way