Entrepreneurship may not be YOUR answer…

It’s full-time we address and understand that entrepreneurship is not your guaranteed savior to freedom.

There has been an influx of suggestions, that promote you to move out of your full-time job in pursuit of financial and life freedom by starting your own business. I’m here to tell you that this may not be for you!

This can often make you feel less than you are because you work within a company and have a standard 9 - 5. It is important to stay true to YOURSELF. Full-time entrepreneurship may not be for you, and that’s okay!

Trust me when I say, I’m not here to stop your dreams or your motivation towards financial stability. I’m here to offer you a new perspective. I’ve been in both seats and I’m here to tell you if your energy and ego are not checked and aligned, then running away from your job into full-time entrepreneurship is not going to be the answer.

I’m here to let you know, You can be happy, You can be free, You can be at peace already!

If you feel your job is stopping you from feeling those things, I advise you to contemplate the work you do, how you do it, who you serve, the company you work within, and also your lifestyle outside of work. Running off into full-time entrepreneurship is sadly not going to solve it for you.

However, if full-time entrepreneurship is an authentic desire for your spirit and not something you feel guilted into, my recommendation to you is to find a replicable advisor to help you along the way.


Importance of a Morning Routine


My Authentic Self