My Gifts are here for you!

I wanted to share my personal journey about how I begun embracing all of my gifts, in order to be your most trusted guide. 

It is so very important to work with someone who is not only guiding you through your inner evolution but is also committed and investing in their own growth and transformation.

Since becoming the owner of my mental health practice in 2018, I have been coaching and consulting several business owners on their healing journey in various ways. But when it comes to business owners, there was always one thing that stood out. 

Often I see where the personal needs of these business owners are being neglected and their primary focus is to have energy healing and alignment completed solely for the business. I found that they had a reluctance to focus on the inner work, and wanted to glaze over it with more focus being on the business structure and strategy.

While I continued to take on these clients who only sought me out for my keen ability to see the missing pieces within their business and help them develop systems for scaling, I noticed I began neglecting my gifts as a healer!  That was in fact what they needed as well!

For me to honor my client's deepest needs, and to honor my unique gifts as a Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, Human Design Reader, and successful entrepreneur, I am giving you all of me in this redefined offer.

I have a few clients that are about to begin their 8-weeks with me now under this refinement and I CAN'T WAIT to share with you their feedback and experience!!


Importance of Resting.


Being true to YOU