Importance of Resting.

I have been spending a lot of time resting lately. I’ve not been feeling the need to fill my weekends up with "things to do".

It is important and crucial that we take the time to learn how to best balance our energy and align it to your specific lifestyle. This has been the BEST part of learning about my individual Human Design. Blending my awareness of my Human Design with daily energy healing through Reiki to unblock my energy centers that are often and easily blocked due to previous social conditioning, which has been so refreshing for the Spring season.

I truly began to feel like something within me is truly BLOSSOMING! 🌻🌻

This weekend, I decided to stay away from filling my time and energy with “work” as it relates to others. But to spend the time and my energy to work on myself.

So, in addition to deeper contemplation of my Human Design and Reiki energy healing, I located and dusted off some of my favorite crystal and chakra books and began to unpack A LOT within me.

As a healer that holds space for others' healing, it is imperative that I am continually doing the work within and on myself. This weekend’s self-work has reminded me of a few things.

🌻I am reminded to show up for myself, the way I show up for others.

🌻I am reminded that the preparation I do to hold space for others, I must also do for myself.

🌻I am reminded that I never know “too much” not to go back and refresh my skills.

🌻I am reminded that because I do my work, I can better guide others through their work.

Don’t forget to remind yourself that it is okay to take time away from others whether socializing or trying to resolve issues they may have, and work on yourself, your growth, and your development.


Intuition and Human Design


My Gifts are here for you!