It’s Sabbatical Season

While some take sabbaticals during the colder months, my energy tends to lead me inward during spring and summer.

What does sabbatical season look like for me? 👇🏽

✨ Pouring more into myself than others

✨ Connecting SUPER deeply to my intuition and spending most days unplugged

✨ Nurturing my relationship with my husband and child

✨ Listening intensely to the messages coming my way from spirit

✨ Contemplating what’s on the horizon for me personally and in business

✨ Daydreaming without judgment

✨ Detaching from goals and simply letting life happen organically

✨ Praying with intention and delving deeper into my spiritual practices

✨ Being comfortable with being uncomfortable in doing “nothing” and allowing my magnetism to attract

And while most of these occur while off a sabbatical as part of my daily life, it’s something special that happens when time is spent solely connecting deeper.

I love it here, and may stay in this space for the remainder of 2023. This has truly been a time of evolving. ☺️


Welcoming the Unfolding


Paradigm Shift