Complete Transformation

"But will I get fat?"

Those were my exact words to my coach when he told me he was changing my meal plan to prepare me for the building stage of my fitness journey.

And boy has it been a journey. Some days I pray he doesn't fire me as a client because I know I am a piece of work at times.

The word "fat" for me takes me back to a stage in my life where I was THE most unhealthy. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. It took me YEARS to get out of this depressive state.

I was so deeply detached from who I was and drowned in so many unhealthy behaviors, patterns, and relationships.

And I now realize, all along I've been afraid to enter into this stage of building up my physique due to fear of the scale going up.

For the past few years, my mind had been so focused on losing weight and obsessing over the scale that I was traumatized by the idea of eating more and "gaining weight".

It blows my mind how our body holds on to so much trauma from the past, and how certain moments meant for growth will trigger our thoughts to times of pain.

If it wasn't for my training in Reiki, I would have never been able to grasp the concept that, "Our body remembers, what our mind forgets".

When I look at this comparison picture, I don't see the scale at all. I see a woman who has completely transformed her spirit. I see the inner workings of a beautiful soul shedding her light onto the world.


Who Are You?


Take Control of Anger