Take Control of Anger

Want to let go of anger?
The answer: Meditate

I can't keep count of how many people tell me that meditation is hard for them. And my answer is always, you haven't found the type of meditation that works for you to get started.

There are all types!
-Moving meditation
-Visualization meditation
-Mantra meditation
-Mindfulness meditation

Like seriously, the list can go on!

Many feel that meditation is ONLY sitting cross-leg in silence trying not to think.


When trying to release anger, my favorite form of meditation is Loving-Kindness Meditation. This style of meditation allows you to extend kindness, love, compassion, and acceptance to yourself and others.

When someone has triggered you into the emotion of anger, what better way to repay them than to send love to yourself and them.

I mean, typically if someone is disrupting your peace with their negative energy, they could probably use some loving energy sent their way. I like to think of this as "energetically killing them with kindness".

Let me know in the comments below what benefits you've found with meditation OR if you struggle with meditation let me know what gets in the way.


Complete Transformation


Sacral Chakra