The Moon

This moon got me in deep thought. I've been writing all day, & can't seem to put my pen down.
I lean into the New Moon as a time for self-reflection. I use this time to cleanse my energy to prepare for the moon cycle ahead. This is an awesome time to set some clear intentions along with actionable steps to get you closer to reaching them.
I find that the New Moon is my manifestation starting point as I gain clarity into my true desires.

Here are some quick journal prompts to help guide you through your personal self-reflection.

  1. I am currently feeling__________ about life.

  2. Ideas about_________ have been floating in my head lately.

  3. I will do __________ to get a step closer to my goals.

  4. I am committed to improving _________.

  5. I am grateful for _________.

  6. I release_______ which does not serve my greater good.

  7. I am drawing __________ closer to me.

  8. I am going to do more__________ because it feels good to me.

Begin to lean into the New Moon and watch your life manifest as you become more clear about who you are and who you want to become.



Don’t Get Stuck


Embrace Your Authentic Self