A Time of Reflection

Sitting here reflecting on the start of this year & how I followed my intuition and packed my family up to move to another state, & how I manifested EVERY step of the way.

I had no plan or money saved for a cross-state move, my husband had no job lined up, and we had no idea where our child would be educated. But I knew one thing, my soul was pulling me in a direction that was unfamiliar to me but necessary for my next level.

This was my ultimate manifestation test of the year! In 90 days (literally) I manifested the home I for real dreamed of at a price that was unheard of during the crazy housing market this spring, over $50K in cash (no lie) to support our relocation cost, & my husband was able to transfer districts despite things looking shaky in the beginning.

This year has been the year that I cultivated the strongest relationship with my intuition, which is how I have been able to harness my inner power to manifest exactly what I desire instantly. I’ve always been a master at manifesting, but once I started digging deeper into my Human Design and living in true authentic alignment to who I REALLY am, it was like my manifestation powers increased!

I am thankful to all of my spiritual teachers, mentors, and guides who have shown me just how powerful I am, we are, and you are too.

Once you do the inner work to face your shadows, decondition out of limiting beliefs, and discover who you are at your CORE, you begin to live life in your true authenticity & attract your desires to you with ease.

My biggest takeaway this year has been to trust my intuition, always. What is yours?


I have empathy for you…


The Big Leap