To be Thankful

This was the first year my daughter (5 y/o) asked me the meaning of Thanksgiving.

I knew she could handle it, so I told her the truth.

Her response: “ How could people do that!”.

Little does baby girl know, this is only one story of many.

She began to share how her classmates are celebrating today.

I told her not to worry or feel different, that we would celebrate by showing gratitude for all of our blessings.

Her response: “ But I’m grateful every day”.

💅 FACTS, say less sis!

The best part about motherhood is raising my daughter in a unique way. A way of truth. A way of honesty. A way of transparency.

So on this day, we head to Mexico! 🇲🇽 One of our favorite places and a place we will soon call home 🏠.

Spreading love and gratitude on this day, and every day.


Suffering in Silence


I went to Peru!