Address the Wound

This totally changed my life this year 👇🏽

“If you don’t face it and heal it, it will keep showing up again, in one way or another.” -Kierrah

I used to think that the less I gave hurtful, negative, and uncomfortable thoughts or situations energy, the less they would show up in my life.

But truth be told, I avoided the discomfort and covered it up with sayings like, “this is not worth my time or energy right now.”

It's so easy to get caught up in thinking that the less you give something your attention, the quicker it will go away.

But oftentimes, those are the main things we need to FACE, HEAL, and WORK through to get us through and to our next level.

So, if you feel like the same troubling scenarios are repeatedly showing up in your life, time after time, here are some questions you can ask yourself.

1. What lesson is there for me to learn that I am not grasping?

2. In what ways am I avoiding the truth due to protecting my feelings or the feelings of others?

3. How can I grow in an area of my life by making a decision that is best for me?

It’s time you address the wound vs avoiding it so you can truly heal and move on.

If not, please believe it will show up again…and again.


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