Just What I Needed

The best part about being a healer? Using the tools I provide to help others to help myself.

Being a healer, being conscious, being 'woke"...or whatever you want to call it does not exclude us from life challenges.

Often healers don't expose when they are facing challenges in life, with fear that those who seek them for consultation will look at them differently or think less of their abilities.

Well, this healer is here to tell you that we flow through life JUST like you!

Right before I grabbed my sound bowls, I experienced an anxiety attack. My heart was racing, my breaths were getting shorter by the second, and I could not formulate my words. I felt trapped in my body and knew I needed to get through this fast before things got worse.

I went into my office to get some water and immediately spotted my bowls. The three bowls I intuitively grabbed were tuned for the crown, throat, and sacral chakra.

JUST WHAT I NEEDED at that moment. 🙌🏽

I played for about 15 minutes until I could fully regain my breath and thoughts. After, I sat for another 15 minutes in meditation. The message that came to me during my meditation was, "Don't fight against flow & ease".

Here I was feeding into the shadow of control, which lead to an anxiety attack when my spirit simply wanted me to be easy and flow. If I had not used my tools at that moment, I would have never created the space to receive that message and probably would have spiraled out of control.

We all have tools, we literally have ALL that we need to get us through any situation. The question is, will you use your tools or allow yourself to spiral?


Formulate Healthy Habits


Being Overwhelmed Is A Choice