Never Do It Scared

And this is why you should NEVER "do it scared".

The feeling of fear is based in the Root Chakra, the base of your spine and souls of your feet, and governs the feelings of safety and security. When acting or "doing it scared" you are initiating from a place of fear, lack, or scarcity.

Therefore... the energy guiding your actions is rooted in an underactive or overactive root chakra... aka OUT OF ALIGNMENT.

This can lead to your efforts when scared causing you to experience deep states of anxiety, frustration, anger, insecurity, and low self-esteem.

So before jumping out there and doing it scared, spend some time connecting with your root chakra to bring balance and gain clarity to unresolved issues.

📝 Quick note, many unresolved childhood traumas are stored in the root chakra.

So here is a brief exercise:

1. Apply some grounding essential oil (I recommend Frankincense) on the palms of your hands, rub it in and take three deep breaths into your hands.

2. Place some grounding crystals (I recommend tigers eye & smoky quartz) between your feet.

3. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes.

4. Stand hip-width distance apart, shoulders relaxed down your back, palms facing forward, eyes closed, begin to connect the souls of your feet to the earth. With every breath, connecting deeper to the souls of your feet, drawing your energy up to your lower back. (If unable to stand, seated in a chair with a secure back is a great modification).

Once the timer has ended, journal out the following.

1. How stable and secure do you feel in life?
2. What messages have you received as a child and/or presently about the goals you are seeking to achieve?
3. Do you feel certain that the God/Source/Universe will support your needs?


I Practice What I Teach


This Work I Do Is Sacred