I Practice What I Teach

This shit ain't always pretty. Even your favorite healer and perfectly curated content creator get knocked off course at times, despite their willingness...their openness to share.

I am no different. But one thing that makes me different is that I practice what I teach. I give thanks for these moments to practice using the tools that I have gathered over the years and share with the people I serve.

A lot has been shifting in my life this year. I have elevated to levels that have honestly scared me. I have gone places and seen things that I always knew were possible, but actually experiencing them has been mind-blowing.

This past weekend was healing for me on so many levels and I am still feeling my energy shifting and detoxing from a lot of things that were released from my aura.

I have been having vivid dreams, receiving massive downloads, and hearing spiritual confirmations of what is to come next. And with this flooding of information, I can feel the fear of elevation sinking in. I can feel the rush of anxiety in my chest as I contemplate my readiness. Test after test has been laid in front of me, and my insecurities have been brought forward.


ALL DAT SHIT! Right here on my lap.

I hear a voice saying...

"It's time to get grounded. It's time to get regulated. It's time to let some things go if you want to get to this next level".

The journey continues for me, as it will for you too if you're ready to get to YOUR next level.

As I settle within myself this week, I plan to be very candid. Would you be interested in me sharing some ways I get my nervous system regulated so I can draw close and receive the things I am manifesting?


The Key To Manifesting


Never Do It Scared