The Key To Manifesting

The reason you haven't been able to manifest that car, house, or job yet is that you haven't manifested peace yet.

Everyone is so quick to try and manifest material things while neglecting their energy body. I'll be the first to tell you, money nor material things will be attracted to an energy source (that be you) that is dysregulated.

The FIRST step to manifesting ANYTHING is to get your energy to a regulated state so that it is open to receive what it is you're trying to draw in.

What does regulation and the nervous system even mean? I asked this question in my stories yesterday and saw many of you are unaware of what nervous system regulation means. Let me try to simplify this for you.

Our nervous system is responsible for controlling and communicating mental activity, such as our thoughts, with our body. Our nervous system is also responsible for maintaining harmony within our body as it connects with other key systems within our body.

Long story short, you are energy and what you are trying to attract is also energy. Therefore, when we are trying to manifest it is important that we regulate the systems within our bodies so that our energy is free and clear to welcome in the energy we are desiring.

The main key to regulating your nervous system is getting your body to a calm, peaceful, and receptive state.

When I work 1:1 with my clients, one of the practices we engage in is body scanning. I incorporate my skills as a Reiki Master to connect with their energy to see where energy blockages reside so that a custom nervous system regulation practice can be created for them.

I also teach them how to connect with their own bodies so once our work together is done, they are confident in their own self-practice.


Guided Meditation


I Practice What I Teach