Suffering in Silence

For most of my life, I suffered in silence. And then would get pissed when no one asked how I was doing.

Like, does anyone even care how I’m doing or holding up?

I remember facing one of the biggest challenges of my life and sharing it with someone close to me. Their response was, “Kierrah, you’ll figure it out; you always do”.

Zero compassion granted.

Being a high-achieving woman sometimes means days “figuring it out” on your own. Tears behind locked closed doors. Struggling to hold it together on your own. And restless nights worrying about everybody else's issues while neglecting your own.

That was my story.

This led to a DEEP disconnection for my higher self.

The truth is, if anyone was to ask how I was really doing, I doubt if I would have even shared my truth. I didn’t want anyone to know I had issues because they thought of me as the one who had it all together.

I often found myself in positions where I held space for others, but no one held space for me. So when asked, “how are you” a simple “I’m good” was all I could mutter because I could not put my weight on others if I was the one who held them up.

If you’re a high-achieving woman who feels there is no safe space for you to honestly share your struggles, I’ve been there!

I see you looking well put together on the outside but internally breaking down daily.

When I look at you, I’m looking in the mirror.

I’ve been there, and I’ve healed through it…so can you.


Address the Wound


To be Thankful